Research Article

LncRNA SNHG3 Promotes Gastric Cancer Cells Proliferation, Migration, and Invasion by Targeting miR-326

Figure 4

lncRNA SNHG3 functioned as an endogenous sponge to downregulate miR-326 by competitively binding to miR-326. (a) Putative binding sites between lncRNA SNHG3 and miR-326. (b) MiR-326 expression in GC cells transfected with siSNHG3 or siNC in HGC-27 and GC9811-P cell lines. (c) and (d) The luciferase activity was measured by a dual-luciferase reporter assay. (e) and (f) MiR-326 and lncRNA SNHG3 expressions in RIP assay. .