Review Article

Obesity and Cancer Screening according to Race and Gender

Table 2

Mammography use and weight status.

StudyPopulation/data SourceWeight categories1Findings

Chang et al. 2010, [22] National Medicare claims data (Medicare), Veterans Health Administration data (VHA)OW and OBOW in Medicare beneficiaries was positively associated with mammography in OR = 1.13 , but not in VHA data.
There was no significant association of mammography in OB (VHA or Medicare) or OW (VHA).

Banerjea et al. 2008,[23] Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) 2003OW and OBThere were no significant associations between mammography use and OB or OW.

Mitchell et al. 2008, [24] Canadian Community Health SurveyOW, OB, OBI, OBII, OBIIIThere were no significant associations between mammography use and OW, OB (including OBI, OBII, OBIII).

Ferrante et al. 2007, [12] National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) 2000OB, OW, OBI, OBII, OBIIIOBIII was negatively associated with mammography. (62.3% ).
There were no associations between mammography and weight status in OW, OBI, or OBII women.

Amy et al. 2006, [26] Purposeful sample, face-to-face questionnaire in focus groups formed according to weight statusBMI 25–35, >35–45, >55There were no significant associations between mammogram use and increasing BMI category.

Ferrante et al. 2006, [13] Medical chart review, urban FM practices, mostly black and HispanicOBI, OBII, OBIII, nonobese (normal and overweight collapsed)There was no significant association between mammography use and weight status.

Zhu et al. 2006, [16] NHIS 2000OW, OBI, OBII, OBIIIThere was no significant association between weight status and mammography in white or black women.

Ostbye et al. 2005, [27] Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and the Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old (AHEAD)OW and OBOBI, OBII, and OBIII were negatively associated with mammogram use (OR 0.73, 0.69, 0.59, resp.).
There were no significant associations between mammography use and OW.

Coughlin et al. 2004, [29] Behaviorial Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) 1999OW and OBOB was negatively associated with mammography use. 74.6% .

Wee et al. 2004, [17]NHIS 1998OW, OBI, OBII, OBIIIOBII was negatively associated with mammography in white women. OR 0.83 (0.68–0.96).
OW and OBII were positively associated with mammography in black women. OR 1.19 (1.01–1.32), OR 1.37 (1.13–1.50).
There were no other significant associations.

Wee et al. 2000, [15] NHIS 1994OW, OB, OBI, OBII, OBIIIThere was no association of weight status and mammography in white or black women.

Fontaine et al. 2001, [30] National Data 1998OW, OBI, OBII, OBIIIOW and OBIII were positively associated with mammography use.
There were no significant associations between OBI, OBII, and mammography use.

Fontaine et al. 1998, [31] National Data Set (>80% white) 1992OW, OBThere was no significant association between weight status and mammography use.

1Predictors: OW: Overweight, OB: Obese (unless otherwise specified, includes OBI, OBII, OBIII), OBI: Obese I, OBII: Obese II, OBIII: Obese III.