Review Article

Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies to Increase the Adherence to Exercise in the Management of Obesity

Table 1

Recommendations for physical activity in the management of obesity [13].

Evidence statements and recommendations on PA for weight loss and WL maintenanceLevel of evidenceEvidence statements and recommendations on combined therapy (Diet + PA) for WL and WL maintenanceLevel of evidence

(i) PA in overweight or obese adults results in modest WL independent of the effect of caloric restriction through dietA(i) The combination of a reduced calorie diet and increased PA produces greater WL than diet alone or PA aloneA
(ii) PA in overweight or obese adults modestly reduces abdominal fatB(ii) The combination of a reduced calorie diet and increased PA produces greater reductions in abdominal fat than either diet alone or PA alone, although it has not been shown to be independent of WLB
(iii) PA in overweight or obese adults modestly increases cardio-respiratory fitness independent of WLA(iii) A combination of a reduced calorie diet and increased PA improves cardiorespiratory fitness as measured by when compared to diet aloneA

Recommendation: PA is recommended as part of a comprehensive WL program because it: Recommendation: The combination of a reduced calorie diet and increased PA is recommended, since it produces WL, decreases abdominal fat, and increases cardiorespiratory fitnessA
(i) modestly contributes to WL in overweight and obese adultsA
(ii) may decrease abdominal fatB
(iii) increases cardiorespiratory fitnessA
(iv) may help maintenance of WLC

PA, physical activity; WL, weight loss.