Research Article

Gastric Bypass Promotes More Lipid Mobilization Than a Similar Weight Loss Induced by Low-Calorie Diet

Table 1

Subject characteristics of the 15 females at baseline and after one month of low-calorie diet (LCD) and one month after gastric bypass (GBP).

BaselinePost LCDPost GBP
Mean ± SDMean ± SDP valueMean ± SDP value

Age (years)
Weight (kg) <.001 <.001
BMI (kg/ ) <.001 <.001
Total fat Volume (L) <.001 <.001
Total water Volume (L) <.001 <.001
VAT (L) .002 <.001
SAT abd (L) .003 <.001
Liver fat (%) .001 .736
Liver volume (L) .001 .841
Liver fat Volume (mL) <.001 .376
Hemoglobin (g/L) .845 .099
EVF (%) .458 .115
Na (mmol/L) .041 .007
K (mmol/L) .009 .793
Creatinine (umol/L) .000 .003
Albumin (g/L) .001 .221
ALT (ukat/L) .007 .015
AST (ukat/L) .045 .034
GT (μkat/L) .119 .179
Glucose (mmol/L) .005 .082
Insulin (mU/L) <.001 .096
HOMA index <.001 .241
Growth hormone (ug/L) .008 .146
Glucagon (pmol/L) .149 .024
BNP (ng/L) .847 .011
Leptin (mg/L) .000 .001
Adiponectin (Ug/mL) .302 .662
Cholesterol (mmol/L) .002 .349
HDL (mmol/L) .001 .550
LDL (mmol/L) .125 .145
LDL/HDL .092 .094
Triglycerides (mmol/L) .255 1.000
ApoA1 (g/L) <.001 .829
ApoB (g/L) .048 .775
ApoB/ApoA1 .014 .290
FFA (mmol/L) .011 .739
Beta-hydroxybutyrate (mmol/L) .007 .613

Data from the 13 subjects who completed the MR investigations. BMI: body mass index, VAT: visceral adipose tissue volume, SAT: subcutaneous adipose tissue volume in the abdominal subvolume, EVF: erythrocyte volume fraction. ALT: alanine transaminase, AST: aspartate aminotransferase, GT: gamma glutamyltransferase, BNP: B-type natriuretic peptide, FFA: free fatty acids.
Statistical significance evaluated from baseline to post-LCD, and post-LCD to post-GBP.