Research Article

Maternal and Early Childhood Risk Factors for Overweight and Obesity among Low-Income Predominantly Black Children at Age Five Years: A Prospective Cohort Study

Table 1

Characteristics of the participants and early childhood determinants of obesity at the age of 5 in Alabama ( ).

Variables %MeanSDMedian [range]

Maternal characteristics
 Mother age at delivery (years)
  Mean (SD)24.0(4.6)23 [14–43]
   <20 11816.0
 Mother’s mean (SD) years of schooling11.8(2.2)12 [0–18]
 Mother completed 12th grade 48766.2
 Employed, % 37461.1
 Using food stamps, % 37059.2
 On welfare, %19134.0
 Parity, mean (SD)1.3(0.8)1 [0–9]
 Prepregnancy BMI, mean (SD) 24.5(7.1)22.5 [13–50]
 BMI groups
  Low (<18.5)10014.7
  Normal (18.5–24.9)34951.2
  Overweight (25–29.9)11116.3
  Obese (≥30)12117.8
 Number of cigarettes smoked during 1st trimester5.4(9.5)0 [0–63]
  0 cigarette 45461.4
  1–12 cigarette (61–85th percentile)17924.2
  ≥13 cigarette (>85th percentile)10715.3
 Alcohol intake during pregnancy, %18631.9

Child characteristics
 Sex, % female36248.9
 Birth weight (grams)
  Mean (SD)2892.6(642.0)2845 [640–5170]
   Above 85th percentile506.7
 Preterm, %149 20.1
  BMI at age 5 years
  Normal weight (<85th percentile )58478.9
  Overweight (85th to <95th )8511.5
  Obese (≥95th percentile) 719.6