Research Article

The Impact of Abdominal Obesity Status on Cardiovascular Response to the Mediterranean Diet

Table 1

Servings of key foods of the Mediterranean pyramid consumed daily during the Mediterranean diet intervention for a 10460 kJ/d (2500 kcal/d) menu.

Key foods*MedDiet (servings/d)

Olive oil (mL)43.3
Whole grains products5.7
Fruits and vegetables16.1
Cheese and yogurt2.0 Mostly low in fat
Red meat0.2
Red wine1.3

MedDiet: Mediterranean diet.
*Extra virgin and virgin olive oils were used. Serving size for whole grains products = 125 mL (rice, pasta, bulgur, and couscous), one bread piece or 30 g cereal; serving size for fruits and vegetables = 125 mL; serving size for legumes = 175 mL and for nuts = 30 g; serving size for fish, poultry and red meat = 75 g; serving size for egg = 100 g; serving size for dairy products (mostly low fat cheese and yogurt) = 50 g cheese, 175 g yogurt, and 250 mL milk; serving size for red wine = 150 mL.