Review Article

Beyond the “I” in the Obesity Epidemic: A Review of Social Relational and Network Interventions on Obesity

Table 2

Descriptive overview of intervention studies found pertaining to social relational constructs and obesity.

Social relational construct

Social support20
Social cohesion2
Social network6
Social trust
Collective efficacy
Social capital
Multiple social relational constructs
Social support-social cohesion1
Social support-social capital1

Social ecological level targeted

Single level target
Individual 19
Interpersonal environment
Organizational environment
Political environment
Multiple level target

Theory or model

Health belief model0 (+1)
Stages of change (transtheoretical model)3 (+1)
Social learning theory (social cognitive theory)5 (+2)
Theory of planned behaviour2
Social support theory2 (+2)
Social comparison/influence/modeling theory1 (+3)
Ecological approaches (CBPR, SEM)3
Multiple theories, models, or approaches 5
No reference to theoretical rationale 9

Conceptual role of social relational construct

Intervention channel16
Ancillary resource12
Intervention target2

+ in theory section indicates the addition of partial references of multiple theories. SEM: social ecological model; CBPR: community-based participatory research.