Review Article

Lifestyle Interventions Targeting Body Weight Changes during the Menopause Transition: A Systematic Review

Table 1

Medline Search Strategy.

Database: Ovid MEDLINE(R) In-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations and Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1948 to Present>
Search Strategy:
(1)menopause/or perimenopause/or premenopause/(26010)
(2)“perimenopaus*”.ab,ti. (2638)
(3)“peri-menopaus*”.ab,ti. (216)
(4)“premenopaus*”.ab,ti. (12032)
(5)“pre-menopaus*”.ab,ti. (1186)
(6)climacteric.ab,ti. (3389)
(7)menopaus$.ab,ti. (29513)
(8)1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 (51438)
(10)Physical Fitness/(18078)
(11)Exercise Therapy/(20391)
(12)exp Sports/(88445)
(13)Motor Activity/(60911)
(14)exercis$.ab,ti. (160690)
(15)yoga.ab,ti. (1081)
(16)(aerobics or “physical therapy” or “physical activity” or “physical inactivity”).ab,ti. (46541)
(17)(fitness adj3 (class$ or regime$ or program$)).ab,ti. (883)
(18)(walking or running or jogging or swimming or cycling or bicycling).ab,ti. (100485)
(19)(“tai chi” or “tai ji”).ab,ti. (526)
(20)“physical training”.ab,ti. (3882)
(21)danc$.ab,ti. (3061)
(22)sedentary behavio?r.ab,ti. (582)
(23)(physical adj3 (inactivity or activity or training)).ab,ti. (43594)
(24)(“weight lifting” or “strength training” or “resistance training” or “circuit weight training”).ab,ti. (4695)
(25)exertion.ab,ti. (8780)
(26)sports.ab,ti. (21251)
(27)“lifestyle intervention*”.ab,ti. (1583)
(28)(“cognitive behavio*ral” and “weight loss”).ab,ti. (144)
(29)exp Diet Therapy/(35073)
(30)Nutrition Therapy/(556)
(31)(diets or diet or dieting).ab,ti. (194636)
(32)(diet$ adj (modif$ or therapy or intervention$ or strateg$)).ab,ti. (7935)
(33)(low calorie or “calorie control$” or “healthy eating”).ab,ti. (3368)
(34)(nutrition$ adj2 (modif$ or therapy or intervention$ or strateg$)).ab,ti. (5810)
(35)or/9–32 (617979)
(36)body weight changes/or weight gain/(17952)
(38)body mass index/or skinfold thickness/(58989)
(39)Waist Circumference/(1525)
(40)“body weight”.ab,ti. (119849)
(41)“fat distribution”.ab,ti. (3555)
(42)“body composition”.ab,ti. (16098)
(43)“waist circumference”.ab,ti. (7570)
(44)“body mass index”.ab,ti. (66808)
(45)“skin fold”.ab,ti. (1130)
(46)“abdominal fat”.ab,ti. (3072)
(47)“adipose tissue”.ab,ti. (32751)
(48)Hot Flashes/(1699)
(49)Vasomotor System/(8540)
(50)(flush$ or flash$ or sweat$).ab,ti. (44468)
(51)vasomotor.ab,ti. (9284)
(52)or/36–51 (319221)
(53)8 and 35 and 52 (1536)
(54)limit 53 to yr = “1865–2010” (1523)
(55)limit 54 to (english or french) (1457)
(56)from 55 keep 1–1457 (1457)