Research Article

Associations of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors with Dietary Behaviors among US High School Students

Table 2

Prevalence (%) of body weight status, weight management goals, physical activity, sedentary behaviors, and dietary behaviors by sex, among US high school students.

MeasuresFemaleMaleChi-square test
%(95% CI)%(95% CI)( value)

Body weight statusa
 Obese (BMI ≥ 95th percentile)20.5(18.0–23.2)17.6(15.9–19.5)()
 Overweight (85th ≤ BMI < 95th percentile)17.4(16.0–18.9)18.2(16.4–20.2)
 Normal weight (5th ≤ BMI < 85th percentile) 58.9(56.2–61.6)62.4(59.8–64.9)
 Underweight (BMI < 5th percentile)3.2(2.4–4.1)1.8(1.3–2.5)
Weight management goalsb
 Lose weight60.5(57.9–63.1)33.8(31.6–36.1)()
 Gain weight5.7(4.6–7.0)28.8(26.7–31.0)
 Stay the same weight19.0(17.7–20.4)19.7(18.2–21.3)
 Not trying to do anything about weight14.8(13.2–16.5)17.7(15.9–19.6)
Physical activity
 Daily physical activityc8.4(7.3–9.5)21.7(19.3–24.4)()
 Muscle strengtheningd36.6(34.1–39.1)64.4(60.8–67.9)()
Sedentary behaviors
 Television viewinge30.2(26.9–33.8)26.4(24.0–29.0)()
 Computer/video game usef19.2(17.4–21.3)27.6(25.4–30.0)()
Dietary behaviors
 Fast foodi72.6(68.2–76.6)77.1(74.3–79.7)()
 Sugar-sweetened beveragesj18.1(15.5–21.1)26.4(23.1–30.0)()

CI = confidence interval. NS = not significant, .
BMI = body mass index = weight (kg)/height (m)2.
aBased on BMI calculated from measured height and weight and using age- and sex-specific percentiles from growth charts developed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
bWhich of the following are you trying to do about your weight?
cPhysically active for ≥60 minutes, 7 days/week.
dParticipated in muscle strengthening exercises on ≥3 days/week.
eWatched television for >2 hours on an average school day.
fPlayed video or computer games or used a computer for something other than school work >2 hours on an average school day.
gAte fruits ≥2 times/day.
hAte vegetables ≥3 times/day.
iAte at least one meal or snack from a fast food restaurant ≥1 days/week.
jDrank sugar-sweetened beverages ≥3 times/day.