Research Article

A Conservative Weight Loss Intervention Relieves Bowel Symptoms in Morbidly Obese Subjects with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Prospective Cohort Study

Table 6

Associations between the improvement in bowel symptoms and the improvement in the other variables.

IBS-severity scoring system (IBS-SSS)Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale-IBS (GSRS-IBS) version
B (95% CI)pc valueq valueB (95% CI)pc valueq value

Male gender15.1 (−30.8; 61.1)0.080.51−0.01 (−0.38; 0.35)0.010.95
Age1.8 (−0.3; 3.9)0.190.0940.012 (−0.005; 0.029)0.150.18
Body mass index15.2 (27.0; −3.5)0.290.0120.13−0.07 (−0.17; 0.03)−
HSCL-1023.5 (−26.9; 74.1)0.110.360.970.28 (−0.11; 0.68)
WHO-51.3 (−0.1; 2.6)0.220.0590.430.011 (−0.001; 0.021)0.230.0380.42
Self-esteem42.8 (−13.1; 98.7) (−0.31; 0.54)0.060.580.79
FSS0.68 (−1.34; 2.69)0.080.510.970.003 (−0.013; 0.019)0.040.700.79
Sleepiness−0.26 (−5.46; 4.94)−0.010.920.970.02 (−0.022; 0.062)0.100.350.60
Sense of humour74.7 (17.9; 131.4)0.300.0120.130.35 (−0.11; 0.81)
Musculoskeletal pain0.18 (−0.20; 9.55)0.010.970.970.012 (−0.061; 0.084)0.040.750.79
Physical activity4.09 (−3.15; 11.33)−0.013 (−0.068; 0.043)−0.050.650.79
Number of meals/day0.05 (−0.07; 0.16)0.090.440.970.11 (−0.03; 0.01)
Food tolerance3.02 (5.67; 11.70)0.080.490.970.04 (−0.03; 0.10)0.120.310.60
LDL8.8 (−24.8; 42.4)0.060.600.970.10 (−0.17; 0.37)0.080.460.72
HDL−11.0 (−110.6; 88.6)−0.030.830.97−0.75 (−1.54; 0.04)−0.210.0610.45
Cholesterol3.0 (−26.4; 32.4)0.030.840.970.12 (−0.13; 0.36)0.110.350.60
CRP−0.4 (−4.7; 4.0)−0.020.870.970.003 (−0.033; 0.039)0.020.870.87
HbA1c−8.2 (−40.9; 24.4)−0.060.620.97−0.08 (−0.35; 0.19)−0.070.540.79
TSH (decrease)3.1 (−15.2; 21.4)0.040.740.970.02 (−0.12; 0.17)0.040.740.79
T4 (increase)0.7 (−2.2; 3.6)0.060.630.970.004 (−0.020; 0.028)0.040.750.79
Vitamin B10.24 (−0.51; 0.99)0.080.530.970.005 (−0.001; 0.011)
Vitamin B6−0.01 (−0.49; 0.47)−0.010.970.970.002 (−0.002; 0.006)
Vitamin B12−0.01 (−0.15; 0.14)−0.010.910.970.0005 (0.0003; 0.0014)
Vitamin D0.52 (−0.43; 1.46) (0.002; 0.017)0.290.0100.22

HSCL-10: Hopkins Symptom Checklist 10; WHO-5: World Health Organization 5 Well-Being Index; FSS: Fatigue Severity Scale; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; HDL: high-density lipoprotein; CRP: C-reactive protein; TSH: thyroid-stimulating hormone; T4: thyroxin. Linear regression with IBS-SSS and GSRS-IBS as the independent variables, and the other variables one by one as covariates, adjusted for gender and age (gender and age presented unadjusted in the first two rows). q values are Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted to preserve false discovery rate for twenty-two hypotheses.