Research Article

Sustained and Transient Contributions to the Rat Dark-Adapted Electroretinogram b-Wave

Figure 1

Rat electroretinogram in response to a light step. (a) Average waveforms for animals treated with APB/CNQX (thin grey) compared to untreated control eyes (black). The numbers along the right hand side represent the luminance in log cd·m−2. (b) The responses from photoreceptoral, photoreceptoral-driven glial, and RPE responses are removed by subtracting APB- and CNQX-treated waveforms. (c)–(f) Response following light offset for control data. The waveform for the brightest luminance in each panel is repeated in the following panel to aid with comparisons. The grey arrows indicate growth in amplitude with increasing luminance. (c) and (e) show a growth in amplitude (i.e., more negative values), whereas (d) and (f) show a reduction in amplitudes. The vertical lines indicate approximate times up to which the waveforms can be seen to share a common shape. The luminance quoted in the panel labels is in log cd·m−2.