Research Article

Wide-Field Landers Temporary Keratoprosthesis in Severe Ocular Trauma: Functional and Anatomical Results after One Year

Table 1

Patients’ characteristics: age, gender, type of injury, initial and final visual acuity, intraocular pressure, clarity of the corneal graft, attachment of the retina, complications, follow-up period, time from injury, and operation time.

NumberGenderAge (years)Type of injury, zoneInitial visual acuity, intraocular pressureFinal visual acuity, intraocular pressureClarity of the corneal graft, attachment of the retinaComplicationsFollow-up period (months)Days from injurySurgical time (hours)

1Male59 Penetration,
zone I
Counting fingers,
12 mmHg
Counting fingers to 50 cm,
14 mmHg
Opaque cornea, retina attachedGraft failure14 243.5

2Female39 Penetration,
zone I
Hand motion,
14 mmHg
Counting fingers to 30 cm,
20 mmHg
Clear cornea, retina attachedSecondary glaucoma, implantation of the Ahmed valve18 303.0

3Male20 Penetration,
zone II
Light perception, 8 mmHgCounting fingers to 2 m, 9 mmHgOpaque cornea, retina attachedGraft failure, hypotony, anterior synechiae12 142.5

4Male71 Penetration,
zone III
Hand motion,
16 mmHg
No light perception,
7 mmHg
Opaque cornea, retina attached Phthisis bulbi13 194.0

5Male43 Penetration,
zone II
Hand motion, 17 mmHgHand motion, 13 mmHgOpaque cornea,
retinal detachment, PVR
Graft failure, anterior synechiae, retinal detachment14 254.0

6Male48 Rupture, zone IIINo light perception,
16 mmHg
No light perception, 14 mmHgOpaque cornea, retina attachedPhthisis bulbi13 233.5

7Male24 Intraocular foreign body, zone I Hand motion hypoCounting fingers to 70 cm,
14 mmHg
Cornea clear, retina attachedNone12 133.5

8Male64 Penetration, zone INo light perception,
17 mmHg
No light perception, 15 mmHgOpaque cornea, retina attached Graft failure29 454.0

9Male62 Intraocular foreign body, zone I Hand motion,
12 mmHg
Counting fingers to 20 cm,
13 mmHg
Opaque cornea, retina attachedGraft failure12 203.0

10Female21 Intraocular foreign body, zone IINo light perception,
13 mmHg
Counting fingers to 1 m,
25 mmHg
Opaque cornea, retina attachedGraft failure, secondary glaucoma, implantation of the Ahmed valve24 142.5

11Male31 Intraocular foreign body, zone IINo light perception,
8 mmHg
No light perception,
7 mmHg
Clear cornea, retina attachedHypotony12323.0

12Male22 Penetration, zone IILight perception,
11 mmHg
Counting fingers,
12 mmHg
Opaque cornea, retina attached Graft failure, anterior synechiae16243.0