Research Article

Effects of Long-Term Antiglaucoma Eye Drops on Conjunctival Structures: An In Vivo Confocal Microscopy Study

Table 2

Clinical data comparison between control (group 1) and antiglaucoma therapy groups (groups 2, 3, 4, and 5).

 Group 1 (control) Group 2 (Bb) Group 3 (Aa) Group 4 (Pg) Group 5 (Ct) P

OSDIQ8.1 ± 4.712.0 ± 10.818.6 ± 18.817.5 ± 15.631.4 ± 16.50.000
Schirmer’s I test11.9 ± 4.17.7 ± 6.49.6 ± 6.26.2 ± 3.86.2 ± 4.80.002
Break-up time11 ± 2.54.7 ± 2.75.0 ± 33.8 ± 2.43.3 ± 1.80.000

Bb: beta-blockers group; Aa: alpha adrenergic agonists group; Pg: prostaglandin group; Ct: combination therapy group; OSDIQ: Ocular Surface Disease Index Questionnaire.
Control group showed better clinical results than antiglaucoma therapy groups (confidence interval: 95%).
All data are expressed as mean ± standard deviation. P is by analysis of variance.