Clinical Study

Ranibizumab for Visual Impairment due to Diabetic Macular Edema: Real-World Evidence in the Italian Population (PRIDE Study)

Figure 2

Total VA change (treated eye) from baseline during the 18-month follow-up period in (a) decimal score and in (b) Snellen 20/value, in both unilateral and bilateral patients with DME (per protocol population). Note: the VA loss (in decimal and Snellen scores) at Month 14 was due to treatment interruptions at Month 12 and Month 13 because of ocular stability. Patients were again treated at Month 14 and this led to an increase in VA response at Month 15; BSL, baseline; DME, diabetic macular edema; VA, visual acuity.
(a) Total VA change in decimal score
(b) Total VA change in Snellen (20/value)