Clinical Study

Acute-Onset Vitreous Hemorrhage of Unknown Origin before Vitrectomy: Causes and Prognosis

Table 4

Risk scoring system used to predict poor visual outcomes after vitrectomy in patients with acute-onset vitreous hemorrhage (VH) of preoperatively unknown origin.

CategoriesReference value ()Beta Beta()Point = beta()/ [Clarify]Score

 24–4033.5 ()−0.004000
Preoperative LogMAR BCVA in affected eye
 0–0.50.25 ()−0.112000
Preoperative LogMAR BCVA in the fellow eye
 0–0.50.25 ()−0.096000
Drusen in the fellow eye
 no0 ()−0.358000

BCVA, best-corrected visual acuity.
: reference value.
Beta: beta coefficients used in the logistic regression model.
: number of regression units that correspond to 1 point. We let = 0.043 reflect the increase in risk associated with 10-year increases in age.