Research Article

The Impact of Unilateral or Bilateral Cataract Surgery on Visual Acuity and Life Quality of Elderly Patients

Table 3

Comparison of VRQOL score and weighted average LogMAR BCVA in patients undergoing either unilateral or bilateral cataract extraction, .

ā€‰Unilateral cataract extraction patientsBilateral cataract extraction patients value (Mann-Whitney test)

Preoperative VRQOL score (SD)77.02 (30.08)71.85 (25.24)0.175
3-month postoperative VRQOL score (SD)100.32 (20.95)102.55 (17.65)0.731
The improvement of VRQOL score (SD)23.26 (17.89)30.89 (25.78)0.112
Preoperative weighted average LogMAR BCVA (SD)0.76 (0.62)0.86 (0.44)0.137
3-month postoperative weighted average LogMAR BCVA (SD)0.36 (0.36)0.26 (0. 24)0.242
The improvement of weighted average LogMAR BCVA (SD)0.40 (0.37)0.59 (0.44)0.024*