Research Article

Changing Clinical Presentation, Current Knowledge-Attitude-Practice, and Current Vision Related Quality of Life in Self-Reported Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Retinopathy in Eastern India: The LVPEI Eye and Diabetes Study

Figure 2

The Rasch person-item map displays the location of item (and threshold) parameters as well as distribution of person parameters along latent dimension. Difficult to easier items to perform are arranged from the top to bottom of -axis; less to higher visual ability is arranged on either side of midpoint on -axis. Subjects with the least visual ability (at the left side of -axis) have difficulty even with the easiest items; subjects with more visual ability (at the right side of -axis) have no difficulty performing any of the items. This figure shows that the items such as mental health, near activities, and dependency (located at the top of the -axis) required greater visual ability and were more difficult items to perform. At the other end, color vision, social functioning, and distance activities located at the bottom of the -axis required less visual ability and were less difficult items to perform.