Research Article

Rotating Scheimpflug Imaging Indices in Different Grades of Keratoconus

Table 4

Scheimpflug imaging indices differentiating between GROUP 2a KC and normal corneas.

IndicesAUROCSEM95% CI value

PPI-Max0.6900.0380.615 to 0.7650.018
ART-Max0.6900.0380.615 to 0.7640.019
PPI-Max minus PPI-Min0.6870.0550.579 to 0.7960.020
Central corneal thickness0.6830.0480.590 to 0.7760.023
Diagonal decentration of the thinnest point from the apex0.6740.0620.552 to 0.7950.031

AUROC: area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, SEM: standard error of the mean, 95% CI: 95% confidence interval of the AUROC, PPI-Max: Pachymetry Progression Index-Maximum, ART-Max: Ambrósio’s Relational Thickness-Maximum, and PPI-Min: Pachymetry Progression Index-Minimum.