Review Article

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Circular Cyclocoagulation in Glaucoma: A Step Forward for Cyclodestruction?

Figure 6

In vivo confocal microscopy of the superior temporal conjunctiva in the same patient scheduled to undergo a 6-second dose UCCC. (a) The baseline planar reconstruction shows features similar to those observed in Group 1. Somewhere, microcysts appear encapsulated (arrowhead) and filled with amorphous material or punctate reflective elements (asterisk). (b) Epithelial microcysts increased density and, especially, area (arrow) thirty days after UCCC. Microcysts may appear filled with amorphous material (black arrowhead) or reflective elements, probably representing inflammatory cells (arrows). Bar represents 100 μm (from [88], with permission of the publisher).