Clinical Study

Early Changes in Visual Quality and Corneal Structure after DMEK: Does DMEK Approach Optical Quality of a Healthy Cornea?

Figure 1

Representative case of a patient included in the study, who underwent DMEK. (a) Preoperative (left) and 1 month postoperative (right) slitlamp image of the right eye of a 62-year-old female patient who underwent DMEK. (b) Contrast sensitivity results: left, CSV 1000 test results marked with discontinuous-continuous circled lines (see legend in the figure); in frequencies B, C, and D, no preoperative circle was marked since the patient could not even identify the first image; right, Pelli-Robson results at preoperative and 1 month and 6 months postoperative. (c) Topographic changes preoperative and at 6 months postoperative: left, corneal thickness map; center, keratometric map of the frontal cornea; right, keratometric map of the posterior cornea.