Clinical Study

Comparison of Two Toric IOLs with Different Haptic Design: Optical Quality after 1 Year

Table 2

Postoperative results in the two study groups.

AT TORBI IOLTecnis toric IOL
Mean ± SDRangeMean ± SDRange

UDVA (logMAR)0.03 ± 0.13−0.2–0.50.05 ± 0.14−0.2–0.60.31
CDVA (logMAR)−0.04 ± 0.09−0.2–0.4−0.03 ± 0.12−0.2–0.30.35
Spherical error (D)−0.51 ± 0.58−1.5–1.0−0.75 ± 0.51−1.75–0.50.014
Spherical PE (D)0.49 ± 0.59−0.57–1.520.43 ± 0.62−0.43–1.620.76
Cylindric error (D)0.68 ± 0.410–1.750.74 ± 0.380–1.500.45
SE (D)−0.15 ± 0.61−1.5–1.43−0.36 ± 0.51−1.5–0.620.02
J0 (D)−0.03 ± 0.27−0.62–0.710.02 ± 0.29−0.54–0.660.35
J45 (D)0.004 ± 0.29−0.62–0.84−0.018 ± 0.29−0.63–0.560.67
Corneal SA (μm)0.44 ± 0.250.12–1.080.41 ± 0.25−0.60–1.150.83
CCP (D)44.23 ± 1.740.5–47.844.16 ± 1.740.9–47.80.83

CDVA = corrected distance visual acuity; UDVA = uncorrected distance visual acuity; logMAR = logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution; PE = predicted error; J0 and J45 = cylindrical vectors; SE = spherical equivalent; SA = spherical aberration (central 6 mm); CCP = central corneal power; dRotation (1 w–12 m) = difference of IOL rotation between the first week and 12th month; dAP (SL-iTrace) = difference of the measured axis placement with the two methods: SL = slit lamp and with the iTrace; P = difference between the two groups using generalized estimating equation.