Research Article

Prevalence, Causes, and Factors Associated with Visual Impairment and Blindness among Registered Pensioners in Ghana

Table 5

Factors associated with blindness and moderate and severe visual impairment among pensioners in Ghana.

Crude odds ratio95% confidence interval value

Age in years
Highest formal education
 No formal education2.71.7–4.1<0.0001
Body mass index WHO classification
History of arthritis
 No arthritis
 Had arthritis1.21.0–1.4<0.05
Social class by previous occupation
 I (professional)<0.0001
 II (managerial/technical)1.10.8–1.5
 III (N; skilled nonmanual)1.00.7–1.3
 III (M; skilled manual)1.30.9–1.8
 IV (partly skilled)1.61.4–2.1
 V (unskilled)1.91.3–2.6
Serum triglyceride level
Serum Ldl level
Serum total cholesterol level
Urine proteins
 Positive (+, ++, +++, ++++)1.51.2–1.9