Clinical Study

Short-Term Effect of Low-Dose Atropine and Hyperopic Defocus on Choroidal Thickness and Axial Length in Young Myopic Adults

Table 2

Effects of 0.01% atropine and placebo with or without hyperopic defocus on the average change in ocular variables at 30 and 60 minutes from baseline.

Average (SD) difference in ocular parameters data from baseline value
0.01% atropine + hyperopic defocus (μm)Placebo + hyperopic defocus (μm)Placebo (μm)0.01% atropine (μm)DrugDrug by timeDrug by time by defocus

30 min+4 ± 8+6 ± 90 ± 7−3 ± 70.0150.0070.046
60 min+3 ± 8+12 ± 10+1 ± 6−6 ± 5

30 min+1 ± 10 ± 10 ± 10 ± 10.6860.4270.731
60 min−1 ± 1−1 ± 1−1 ± 10 ± 1

30 min+19 ± 35+5 ± 34+7 ± 4+21 ± 390.0420.0580.892
60 min+39 ± 36+7 ± 36+4 ± 4+40 ± 34

30 min−10 ± 34−6 ± 32−3 ± 33−11 ± 330.0250.0490.678
60 min−21 ± 35−4 ± 30−5 ± 34−29 ± 31

30 min0 ± 10 ± 10 ± 10 ± 10.2650.7660.364
60 min+1 ± 1+1 ± 1+1 ± 1+1 ± 1

Subfoveal ChT
30 min−2 ± 5−6 ± 20 ± 2+2 ± 10.0140.0010.0001
60 min−4 ± 8−11 ± 20 ± 1+6 ± 2

Statistically significant ANOVA changes () are highlighted in bold. Asterisks imply significant differences in variables compared to baseline, using post hoc analysis with Bonferroni adjustment (). Positive values represent an increase in the ocular parameter, while the negative values correspond to a decrease in the ocular parameter. AL: axial length; CCT: central corneal thickness; ACD: anterior chamber depth; LT: lens thickness; RT: retinal thickness; ChT: subfoveal choroidal thickness.