Review Article

Fundus Autofluorescence in Lamellar Macular Holes and Pseudoholes: A Review

Figure 1

(a) Normal distribution of fundus AF. (b) Frozen section through the fovea of a rhesus monkey. Yellow macular pigment has higher concentration along Henle’s fiber layer (courtesy of D. Max Snodderly, PhD, Professor of Neurobiology, College of Natural Sciences, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Texas, Austin, USA). (c) Reprinted from Syrbe et al. [21]. Schematic representation of the Müller cell morphology in the peripheral retina (A), foveal slope and parafovea (B), and foveola (C). The somata of Müller cells in the foveola lie in the innermost layer which is composed also by their thin inner processes forming an elaborated plait along and below the internal limiting membrane (ILM).