Research Article

Factors Associated with Poor Eye Drop Administration Technique and the Role of Patient Education among Hong Kong Elderly Population

Table 1

Descriptive statistics for demographic and clinical variables.


Mean age, years (SD)71.54 ± 7.20
Sex, n (%)
 Female15 (57.69%)
 Male11 (42.30%)
Level of education, n (%)
 No formal education5 (19.23%)
 Primary10 (38.46%)
 Secondary or higher11 (42.31%)
Visual acuity (VA), LogMAR (SD)
 VA of better eye0.29 ± 0.19
 VA of worse eye0.45 ± 0.29
 Weighted average LogMAR VA0.33 ± 0.20
MoCA score (SD)23.78 (4.15)
FRAIL score (SD)0.93 (1.12)
Barthel index (SD)19.85 (0.53)
Lawton’s instrumental ADL score (SD)7.89 (0.58)