Research Article

Hybridization of Adaptive Differential Evolution with an Expensive Local Search Method

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode of BFGS method [23].
Input: error: desired accuracy;
   : number of iterations.
   x: the starting vector.
   H: The Hessian matrix, initalize as identity matrix.
(1) .
(2) while    do
(3)   Find the difference ;
(4)   Compute the difference of gradients ;
(5)   if    and    then
(6)     ;
(7)     ;
(8)     Revise the Hessian matrix as:
(9)   end if
(10)   Compute the search direction by using the current Hessian matrix ;
(11)   Calculate by golden section method [23];
(12)   ;
(13) end while
Output: is the output of the algorithm.