Research Article

Bone Mineral Density and Body Composition of Adult Premenopausal Women with Three Levels of Physical Activity

Table 1

Characteristics of participantsa.

Sedentary ( )Maintenance ( )Sport Team ( )

Age (years) 0.7770
Height (cm) 0.1681
Weight (kg) 0.2434
Body mass index (kg/m2) 23.5 ± 1.8 0.1738
Calcium intake (mg/day)c500 (400–800)400 (400–800)800 (400–1100)0.1026
Physical activity (MET-min/week) <0.0001

aValues are mean ± standard deviation except for calcium intake, which is median (interquartile range).
bAssessed by ANOVA, except for calcium intake, in which Kruskall-Wallis nonparametric test was used.
cThe ranges of calcium intake were (in mg/day) 200 to 1000 for the Sedentary group, 100 to 1200 for the Maintenance group, and 400 to 1200 for the Sports group.
dDifferent from Sedentary ( )
eDifferent from Sedentary and Maintenance (both ).