Research Article

Concern and Risk Perception: Effects on Osteoprotective Behaviour

Figure 2

Percentage of perceived fracture risk among untreated respondents diagnosed# with osteoporosis. Risk perception to fracture (how would you rate your own risk of fracturing or breaking a bone compared to other women your age?) was each assessed using 5-point Likert scales (i.e., much lower, a little lower, about the same, a little higher, or much higher) [12]. For this study: lower risk = “much lower” or “a little lower”, about the same = “about the same,” and higher risk = “a little higher” or “much higher”. Treatment was defined asself-reported use of antiosteoporosis medications (i.e., estrogen, selective estrogen receptor modulators, bisphosphonates, calcitonin, parathyroid hormone, and strontium). #Self-reported osteoporosis (answer “yes” to “has a doctor or health provider ever told you that you had osteoporosis?”).