Research Article

Relationships among Self-Efficacy, Quality of Life, Perceived Vulnerability, and Readiness to Quit Smoking in People Living with HIV

Table 1

Demographic and baseline characteristics.

Ready to quit smoking in the next 30 days ()Not ready to quit smoking in the next 30 days ()


Female38 (38%)26 (41.2%)12 (32.4%)
Non-Hispanic White54 (54%)30 (47.6%)24 (64.9%)
Latinx13 (13%)11 (17.4%)2 (5.4%)
 AA or higher16 (16%)9 (14.3%)7 (18.9%)
 Some college20 (20%)12 (19.0%)8 (21.6%)
 HS diploma19 (19%)13 (20.6%)6 (16.2%)
 Some HS31 (31%)19 (30.2%)12 (32.4%)
 Less than HS13 (13%)10 (15.9%)3 (8.1%)
Household income
 $100,000 or more3 (3%)3 (4.8%)0 (0.0%)
 $75,000-$99,9992 (2%)0 (0.0%)2 (5.4%)
 $50,000-$74,9996 (6%)2 (3.2%)4 (10.8%)
 $25,000-$49,9998 (8%)4 (6.3%)4 (10.8%)
 $0-24,99980 (80%)54 (85.7%)26 (70.3%)

Mean (SD)

Age48.80 (9.03)49.27 (7.83)48.00 (10.84)
Cigarettes per day17.05 (8.20)16.77 (7.93)17.23 (9.52)
Nicotine dependence (FTCD)5.63 (2.17)5.68 (2.23)5.54 (2.09)
Smoking cessation self-efficacy (range 9-45)21.07 (8.48)22.46 (7.84)18.70 (9.10)
Quality of life (range 14-70)47.41 (10.14)47.00 (9.77)48.14 (10.85)
Perceived vulnerability (range 0-300)160.2 (83.92)165.08 (81.32)151.89 (88.69)

Note. FTCD = Fagerström Test for Cigarette Dependence.