Research Article

Late-Term Elective Abortion and Susceptibility to Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms

Table 4

Results of significant univariate tests for MANOVAs and MANCOVAs performed on individual PTSD items.

PTSD ItemEarly AbortionLate AbortionP-value

Disturbing memories, thoughts, images

Repeated disturbing dreams.29.452.43.501P=.042
. *

Reliving abortion.21.409.41.498P=.003
. *

Upset with reminder of abortion

Physical reaction when reminded of abortion

Avoided thinking about abortion

Avoided activities that were reminders of the abortion

Trouble remembering parts of abortion

Loss of interest in activities

Felt distant from others

Felt emotionally numb.57.496.74.443P=.029

Felt future would be cut short because of abortion

Trouble falling or staying asleep.42.494.59.498P=.032
. *

Irritable or angry outbursts

Difficulty concentrating

Super alert or watchful since abortion.32.466.52.505P=.007

Jumpy or easily startled since abortion.34.476.50.506P=.040

*Controls for race, marital status at the time of the abortion, number of years of formal education, number of abortions, number of years since the target abortion, having received mental health counseling before the abortion, having been hospitalized for emotional problems before the abortion, meaningfulness of the respondent’s religion, and a childhood or adult history of physical or sexual abuse.