Research Article

Magnesium Sulfate as a Second-Line Tocolytic Agent for Preterm Labor: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Kyushu Island

Table 4

Neonatal outcomes of magnesium alone and combination groups.

MgSO4 therapy groupCombined therapy groupComparison

Number of infants1523
Birth weight (gm) (range)2378 ± 478 (1704–3656)1912 ± 681 (488–2876)NS
Gestational age (wk) (range)35.5 ± 2.2 (32–41)32.8 ± 4.6 (24–38)NS
Prolongation after magnesium sulfate therapy (days)41.5 ± 32.3 (0–108)27.8 ± 22.3 (2–59)NS
Apgar score at 5 min (<6)0/151*/23NS

*Neonate delivered at 24 weeks gestations (birth weight 488 gm with Apgar score 2/5 (1 min/5 min)).
NS, not significant by unpaired -test, Mann-Whitney test, or Fisher test.