Research Article

Induced Abortion and Associated Factors in Health Facilities of Guraghe Zone, Southern Ethiopia

Table 4

Fertility awareness, pregnancy intentions, and family planning method provision among postabortion patients in health institution of Guraghe zone, South Ethiopia, from January to March, 2010.

Variables Number Percentage

Patient opinion on fertility return after abortion
 Within two weeks 9824.5
 One month 12330.8
 Three months 11027.5
 Six months 5714.3
 Above six months102.5
 No response 20.5
Future pregnancy plan
 Within three months 7017.5
 Within two years184.5
 Above two years13133.1
 No response184.5
Got FP method
 Yes 22656.5
Reasons for not getting FP
 No one raised the issue 4711.8
 Changed my mind9624.0
 Other health reasons30.8
 Contraceptives were not available194.8

NB: FP = family planning.