Clinical Study

The Routine Use of Prophylactic Oxytocin in the Third Stage of Labor to Reduce Maternal Blood Loss

Table 2

The main outcomes and other factors associated with RUPO.

Control group
RUPO group

Maternal blood loss (ml)
Median (range) (ml)562 (96–3,404)428 (68–2,860)
PPH ≥ 1,000 mL (%)57 (14.0%)24 (6.1%)
PPH ≥ 1,500 mL (%)13 (3.2%)6 (1.5%) NS ()
Blood transfusion (%)3 (0.7%)2 (0.5%)NS
Rate of oxytocin use (%)289 (71%)392 (100%)
Dose of oxytocin (IU)
Additional uterotonic agents (%)27 (6.6%)40 (10.2%)NS
Duration of third stage of labor (min)NS
Manual removal of placenta (%)7 (1.7%)7 (1.8%)NS

RUPO, routine use of prophylactic oxytocin; PPH, postpartum hemorrhage.