Research Article

Maternal Nutritional Deficiencies and Small-for-Gestational-Age Neonates at Birth of Women Who Have Undergone Bariatric Surgery

Table 3

Neonatal and pregnancy-related characteristics of 57 pregnancies in 48 patients.

% m  ± sd [min–max]

Pregnancy-related characteristics  
Nutritional supplementation in the periconceptional period56.8
BMI at the onset of pregnancy (kg/m2)
Maternal weight gain (kg)
Pregnancy-induced hypertension 4.0
Gestational diabetes18.0
Preeclampsia 0
IUGR 3.0
Threat of premature delivery11.1
Induction of labour36.1
TA for malformation8.8 ()
Postpartum bleeding3.0
Neonatal characteristics  
Gestational age at birth (WA) [27.0–41.0]
Birth weight (g) [1065.0–3900.0]
Prematurity between 32 and 36 WA11.0
 (i) Severe prematurity < 32 WA 3.0
 (ii) Extreme prematurity < 28 WA14.0
 (i) Hypotrophy 32.0
 (ii) Severe hypotrophy 4.0
 (iii) Macrosomia 4.0
Shoulder difficulty6.0
Shoulder dystocia3.0
Apgar score < at 7 to 5 min.12.5
Umbilical blood pH < 7.25.0
Transfer to the neonatal unit12.0
Transfer to the intensive care unit6.0

. . deviation. –maximum. Mass Index. growth restriction. abortion. of amenorrhea.