Research Article

Effect of Commercial Cyanobacteria Products on the Growth and Antagonistic Ability of Some Bioagents under Laboratory Conditions

Table 4

Effect of Weed-Max and Oligo-X on the antagonistic ability of bacteria and yeast against some soil-borne pathogenic fungi in vitro.

Pathogenic fungiAntagonistic bacteria and yeast
B. subtilis P. fluorescence S. cerevisiae
Weed-Max concentrations (%)
0.00.5 1.0 2.0 0.00.5 1.0 2.0 0.00.5 1.0 2.0

A. solani 73a55c48d32e73a60b53c30e67b48d27f0h
F. solani 64b45d31e0h64b52c47d0h62b51c32e0h
F. oxysporum 68b48d29f0h68b59c50c0h65b50c33e0h
R. solani 69b42d32e0h69b51c48d0h69b47d26f0h
S. rolfsii 68b47d38e0h68b50c45d0h64b38e18g0h
S. sclerotiorum 70a33e25f0h70a45d39e0h63b42d16g0h
S. minor 66b29f20f0h66b44d35e0h70b36e20f0h

ā€‰Oligo-X concentrations (%)
A. solani 58c48d35e73a59c47d34e67b48d42d0h
F. solani 64b25f20f0h64b35e32e0h62b46d36e0h
F. oxysporum 68b35e30e25f68b48d41d30e65b45d44d0h
R. solani 69b48d39e0h69b45d40d29f69b50d47d17g
S. rolfsii 68b25f16g15g68b35e24f20f64b49d37e15g
S. sclerotiorum 70a15g0h0h70a25f15g0h63b41d35e18g
S. minor 66b61b0h0h66b33e22f0h70b40d33e22f

Mean values within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different ( ).
*Linear fungal growth (mm).