Research Article

Thermal Degradation Studies of Terpolymer Derived from 2-Aminothiophenol, Hexamethylenediamine, and Formaldehyde

Table 4

1H-NMR spectral data of 2-ATPHMDAF-I terpolymer.

1H-NMR chemical shift
ppm of terpolymer
Nature of protons assigned

8.05 sMeta proton of Ar–H (aromatic –H)
7.2 sProton of Ar–SH (thiophenol)
6.7 s Amino proton of –CH2–NH–CH2– (NH-bridge)
6.5 sProton of Ar–NH2 (phenolic –NH2)
4.1 t Methylene proton of –NH–CH2–CH2– linkage
2.5 sMethylene proton of Ar–CH2–NH– linkage
1.5 qMethylene proton of –CH2–CH2–CH2– linkage