Research Article

In Vitro and In Vivo Antimalarial Activity Assays of Seeds from Balanites aegyptiaca: Compounds of the Extract Show Growth Inhibition and Activity against Plasmodial Aminopeptidase

Figure 4

Dose-response curve of crude Balanite extract on P. falciparum M18 Aspartyl Aminopeptidase (PFM 18 AAP). Different concentrations of the crude Balanite extract ( g/mL) were applied in the in vitro activity assay of PFM 18 AAP enzyme as described within the experimental section. The percentage of inhibition ( -axis) was plotted versus the extract concentration ( -axis). The blue curve represents the crude Balanite extract with 6-phenyl-2(H)-1,2,4-triazin-5-one oxime while the pink curve shows the depleted extract where the compound is absent.