Review Article

Epidemiology of Enterocytozoon bieneusi Infection in Humans

Table 2

Risk factors associated with Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection.

Risk factorReference

HIV/AIDS [45, 64, 82, 86, 104]
Low CD4+ T cells count[86]
Younger age[18, 45, 64]
Person-to-person transmission[5, 19, 50, 54]
Injection drugs[86]
Living in rural areas: contact with animals[50]
 Contact with cow dung[50]
 Contact with horses[84]
 Contacts with duck or chicken droppings[48]
 Having been stung by bees, hornets, or wasps[84]
Food: watermelon consumption[48]
 Consumption of nonpiped water[50]
 Hot tub, spa, and occupational contact with water[86]
 Contact with ground, surface, ditch, and crop  irrigation water sources[33, 105107]
Poor sanitation
 Lack of flush toilet[48]
 Lack of garbage collection[48]
 Lack of running water[48]