Research Article

Identification, Characterization, and Structure of Tm16 from Trichuris muris

Figure 5

(a) Alignment of hPEBP (blue) Tm16 (gray). The putative active site residues are shown in stick. (b) The putative binding cavity of Tm16 is open enough to accommodate cacodylate (CAC), a ligand found bound in hPEBP. The electron density map contoured at 1.6σ (gray mesh) shows that there are no ligands bound in the cavity or the Tm16 structure. (c) Structural and primary sequence alignment of Tm16, Tt16, Ts16, Ov16, and hPEBP. The secondary structure elements shown are alpha helices (α), 310-helices (η), beta strands (β), and beta turns (TT). Identical residues are shown in white on red background and conserved residues in red. Figure generated using Espript [35, 36].