Research Article

Internal Parasites of Pigs and Worm Control Practices in Bamboutos, Western Highlands of Cameroon

Table 5

Effect of disease control practices on parasite prevalence (%) and load (mean epg/opg) in pigs in Bamboutos, Cameroon.

Control practicesStrongylid parasitesCoccidiaStrongyloides ransomiOverall infestation
n (%)Mean ± Sdn (%)Mean ± Sd n (%)Mean ± Sdn (%) Mean ± Sd

Prophylaxis program exists
 Yes185 (58.5)103.8±135.184 (26.6)96.4±174.478 62.8±42.2235 (74.4)225.± 1072.2
 No5 (62.5)150.0±122.53 (37.5)66.7±76.46 50.0±0.07 (87.5)325.± 358.6
 Yes182 (58.1)104.7±136.082 (26.2)536.6±1915.578 (24.9)-232(74.1)226.6± 1077.3
 No3 (100)50.0±0.02 (66.7)50.0±0.00 (0.0)-3 (100)100.0± 50.0
Health caretaker
 Veterinarian128 (61.5)100.0±94.563 547.6±1986.357 (27.4)63.2±44.8158 (76.0)256.9± 1167.3
 Farmer48 (59.3)111.5±213.212675.0±2149.419 (23.5)63.2±36.756 (69.1)190.1± 986.9
 Both14 (40.0)128.6±105.112200.0±330.98 (22.9)50.0±0.028 (80.0)141.4± 275.8
Annual treatment frequency
 ≤than 3117 (56.0)91.9±96.057 (27.3)73.7±103.61 59.0±28.1157 (75.1)100.9± 130.9
 >373 (63.25)126.0±178.930 (26.1)1360.0±3023.23 69.6±63.585 (73.9)458.3± 1752.4

epg/opg= egg/oocyst per gram of feces; Sd = standard deviation.
values with similar superscripts for a given practice within a column are significantly different (p<0.05).
: for overall infestation, the “n” represents the number of animals infested by at least one parasite species.