Research Article

Assessment of Malaria Predisposing Factors among Crop Production Farmers Attending the Ndop District Hospital, Northwest Region of Cameroon

Table 2

Occurrence of malaria according to history on malaria illness and intake of prescribed treatment in the past 12 months.

Malaria positive (%)Malaria negative (%)Row total (%)Fisher’s exact test ( value)

History on malaria illness (12 months)
 Positive malaria143 (100)517 (90.38)660 (92.31)0.0447
 No malaria055 (9.62)55 (7.69)
History on malaria treatment (12 months)
 Malaria treatment143 (100)462 (80.77)605 (84.62)0.0009
 No malaria treatment0110 (19.23)110 (15.38)
Column Total (%)143 (20)572 (80)715