Research Article

Prevalence of Intestinal Protozoan Parasites and Associated Risk Factors among School Children in Merhabete District, Central Ethiopia

Table 4

Association of sociodemographic risk factors with intestinal protozoan parasite infection of school children in Merhabete district, Central Ethiopia, 2020.

CharactersTotalIntestinal protozoan parasite infectionOR (95% CI) value

Family occupation:
Agro-farming248122 (49.1)2.47 (1.100-5.561)0.028
Nonfarming329 (29.5)

Parent education level
Illiterate10254 (52.9)
Literate17878 (43.8)1.44 (0.884-2.351)0.141

Presence of latrine at home0.037
Yes9938 (38.4)0.59 (0.357-0.970)
No18193 (51.4)

Latrine type ():0.713
Pit latrine with cover4217 (40.4)1.17 (0.514-2.641)
Pit latrine without cover5721 (36.8)

Source of drinking water0.001
Protected (pump water)9430 (31.7)0.39 (0.234-0.664)
Unprotected (river, pond borehole)186101 (54.5)

Water handling
Direct204104 (51)
Boiling124 (33.3)0.018 (0.005-0.032)0.027
Filtering5822 (37.9)
Chemical treating61 (16.67)

Washing of vegetables or fruit before eating
Always14457 (39.6)0.265 (0.172-0.276)0.136
Sometimes8042 (53.7)
Do not wash5631 (55.9)

Habits of eating raw vegetable
Yes18298 (53.8)2.29 (1.379-3.828)0.001
No9833 (33.6)

Contact with animals
Yes18396 (52.5)1.87 (1.129-3.094)0.015
No9736 (36.8)

Poor14180 (56.7)2.26 (1.400-3.655)0.001
Good13951 (36.7)

OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval.