Research Article

A Note on the Adaptive LASSO for Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression

Table 3

Summary of predictors in German health care demand data.

Variables Mean (sd) or FrequencyDescription

health6.84 (2.19)health satisfaction (low) - (high)
handicap216 / 1596 handicap, otherwise
hdegree6.16 (18.49)degree of handicap in percentage points
married1257 / 555 married, otherwise
schooling11.83 (2.49)years of schooling
hhincome4.52 (2.13)household income per month in German marks/1000
children703 / 1109 children under 16 in household, otherwise
self153 / 1659 self-employed, otherwise
civil198 / 1614 civil servant, otherwise
bluec566 / 1246 blue collar employee, otherwise
employed1506 / 306 employed, otherwise
public1535 / 277 public health insurance, otherwise
addon33 / 1779 addon insurance, otherwise
age301480 / 332 if age 30
age351176 / 636 if age 35
age40919 / 893 if age 40
age45716 / 1096 if age 45
age50535 / 1227 if age 50
age55351 / 1461 if age 55
age60147 / 1665 if age 60