Research Article

Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedastic Model to Examine Silver Price Volatility and Its Macroeconomic Determinant in Ethiopia Market

Table 2

The ADF and PP unit root tests at level and first differenced for the series.

VariablesADF testPP testFirst differenced
t-Statistic valuet-Statistic valueADF testPP test

Crude oil−1.5120.525−1.2820.637−9.426−9.408
Exchange rate1.932130.9991.79480.999−12.019−12.019
General inflation rate1.5998410.9992.13240.999−5.121−8.648
Inflation rate of food items0.666960.9911.22210.998−6.107−9.921
Inflation rate of nonfood items2.2180271.004.28881.000−3.727−10.862
Saving interest rate−1.833990.363−1.8370.361−13.767−13.767
Price return series of silver−8.305780.000−13.990.000

Significant at 1% level of significance.