Research Article

Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification

Algorithm 1

Our CNN-based method.
  Constructing the CNN Model
function INITCNNMODEL (, [])
 layerType = convolution, max-pooling, fully-connected, fully-connected;
 layerActivation = , , ,
 model = new Model();
for   to   do
  layer = new Layer();
  layer.type = layerType;
  layer.inputSize =
  layer.neurons = new Neuron ;
  layer.params = ;
end for
return model;
end function
  Training the CNN Model
Initialize learning rate , number of max iteration , min error , training
batchs , bach size , and so on;
Compute , , , , , according to and ;
Generate random weights of the CNN;
cnnModel = InitCNNModel(, []);
iter = 0; err = +;
while err and iter   do
 err = ;
for bach to   do
   = cnnModel.train (TrainingDatas, TrainingLabels), as (4) and (8);
  Update using (7);
  err = err + mean();
end for
 err = err/;
end while
Save parameters of the CNN;