Research Article

Bicriteria Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks: Link Scheduling and Energy Consumption

Algorithm 1

Heuristic Link Scheduling Algorithm.
Input: Routing graph , and the slot demands of the th link ()
Output: The scheduling period T and slot allocation
() Construct the conflict graph (,   ) from
() while   is not empty do
()  find the vertex with the smallest degree in ;
()  remove this vertex from and all its incident edges;
()  Let denote the ()th removed vertex.
() end while
() Let ;
() for each link
()  let assign = false and ;
() for slot
() if   do not conflict its neighbors in in slot t
() assign with slot t;
() if ( ++ ==
()  assign  = true;
()  break;
() end for
() if  assign  == false
() assign slot ;
() end for