Research Article

Bayesian Train Localization with Particle Filter, Loosely Coupled GNSS, IMU, and a Track Map

Algorithm 2

Track-selective evaluation over distances.
Algorithm: Track Selective Evaluation
Input: Train state , true track IDs , map
Output: Evaluation: cumulative ,
() : all track IDs of wrong switch ways from , map
() : switch positions from , map
() : clearance length of each switch
() for all train states   do
()  if track is not in (true track ID list) then
()  if   is in   &  distance to switch <   then
()  else
() end if
()   end if
()   if other track in the vicinity of , (20 m) then
()   end if
() end for
() compute cumulative evaluation (40)
() compute cum. eval. of parallel tracks (41)
() return  ,