Research Article

A Novel Nonlinear Multitarget -Degree Coverage Preservation Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

Algorithm 1

() Input , , , // Initialize the number of sensor nodes, perception radius, sensor nodes energy
and the energy threshold value.
() CL = Null
() , , , // loop variables
() While ()
() () = // calculating the coverage expectation values of node members
() While () // After one or a few rounds
()   if ( Coverage) // the administrator node receives “Coverage” message
()  CL[].date = Coverage
() ++
() Sort_order (CL[.data) // sorting the member nodes
() While () // determining the optimal coverage set
()   if () // node residual energy is less than node threshold energy
()    Notice // the administrators sends “Notice” to the member nodes
()   Coverage() // node members complete covering the target nodes
() While ()
()   if (CL[].data CL[].data)
()   Close (CL[].data)
()   ++
() else
() return ()