Research Article

Supporting Business Privacy Protection in Wireless Sensor Networks

Algorithm 1

The ACO-based algorithm for learning the BN structure.
Input: Set of all/candidate edges
Output: Bayesian network
() define m as the number of ants;
() pheromones : initialize each entry of with ;
() define as max number of iterations;
() ;
()  = empty graph;
() repeat
()   for   to   do
()     for   to   do  ;
()     for   and to   do
()       if ()  then  ;
()     end
()     repeat
()       Select two indexes and by using (5) and (6) and assign edge to ;
()       if ()  then  ;
()       ;
()       for all   and   do
()       for   to   do
()         if ()  then  ;
()       end
()       ;
()      until  ;
()   end
()   ;
()   if    then  ;
()   Update pheromone according to (3) using ;
()   ;
() until  ;
() return  Bayesian network with structure