Research Article

Self-Learning-Based Data Aggregation Scheduling Policy in Wireless Sensor Networks

Algorithm 1

Node behaviour on time slot scheduling.
 NR, SRc, , , SRh
1 whilea new frame starts to executedo
2  for i = 1; i ≤ NR; i + + do
3   for k = 1; ; k + + do
4    .disable (SRc(k));
5   end
6   tR = Δε – greedy ;
7   SRc .add(tR);
8  end
9  SRh.add(SRc);
10  STc = Δε - greedy;
11  if SRh.comparison() is not stablethen
12   Set the state of all slots as ACTIVE;
13  else
14   Set tk as ACTIVE where , and set other slot as SLEEP
15  end
16  for j = 1; j ≤ F; j + + do
17   ifthe state of tj is ACTIVEthen
18    if STc == tj then
19     send packet and wait for ACK;
20     ifACK is receivedthen
21      Update (tj) with rewards;
22     else
23      Update (tj) with punishment;
24     end
25    else ifreceive from ith upstream nodethen
26     Update (tj) with rewards;
27    end
28    else if SRc (i) == tj and not receive any packet from ith upstream nodethen
29     Update (tj) with punishment;
30     Set tj+1 to tj+p as ACTIVE;
31    end
32   end
31  end
32 end